Have been unsuccessfully searching for this info for quite a while as I m building kinda a big project on Narrat.
Long story short, is there any limitations on the word or script amount? Afraid that my project might have problems or wouldnt run at all (planning to build it with electron)
Would appreciate if anyone shares any info bout that even personal experience. TY in advance!
not specifically, I imagine you’d run into performance issues eventually, but given that there’s a massive game with quite a lot of text that has come out and works fine on people’s machines, I wouldn’t worry too much.
Are there any total size limits then? I mean, the size of the final game in order for it not to take an eternity to load. I have many animated backgrounds (each mp4 weights couple of mbs) and worry bout facing perfomance issues.
I think that question might be in what gets preloaded and what loads as needed.
if you have 40 animated backgrounds at 10mb each, the load time would be different if they are all loaded at the start, vs if they are loaded in when needed.
Also, webm is a good alternative to mp4 for this specific use case in that you may get smaller file sizes with it. Its worth experimenting with.