SkillCheck [promptText] doesn't work whatever I try :(

roll aSkillCheck luck 5 "TEST SKILL CHECK" hideAfterRoll:

I’m trying to make a choice available to player, but the system with SkillCheck doesn’t work no matter how I try it. It goes only with the flow of hidden check and not shown in Dialogue. Mode also doesn’t work and shows this error:


:chrome: :windows:

  • :grey_question: What steps did you already try to fix it, if any?
    I’ve tried different ways, I’ve tried the code from documentation examples and even from other games - nothing seems to work as it works there. I have the 3.16.2 version considering what the package-log.json say: "version": "3.16.2"

The code looks correct but it might depend on the context of how you’re using it.

Looking at the default narrat script (which is the one I used when developping and has sample code of most features as it has random bits of code to test things out)

It has the same syntax as your code above, but it’s used inside a choice. I think syntax for skill checks in choices compared to passive skill checks outside of choices is slightly different, so that’s probably your issue.

Thank you so much for the quick reply. It actually solved the issue! Why didn’t I try the choice one earlier…