Popups from Custom Plugins


I’m trying to build a custom popup to appear on top of the entire screen (or most of it) from a custom function. In other words I want to call a custom function that is defined through the plugin system that causes a screen I’d build.

Essentially I’m trying to build a battle system. So I want to launch a fight while progressing through the story.

Is that even possible?

If you have an example, that’d be nice, but just point in the right direction that’s fine.

yes, it’s possible

I don’t know if you need to do a plugin if that’s what the ask is: if you wanted you can just switch into a battle and switch out. Thats how im doing it for my current project.

But otherwise, I don’t see anything in narrat that prevents this. Heck, in my game I have cryptogram puzzles i wrote in vanilla js.

Yeah, generally possible using scenes and/or plugins, you’d have to make a vue.js component for your custom screen and do whatever you want to do in there, and then you can easily make the game display that when you want

Of course Scenes! Thanks you two, that’s exactly what I need!