Import analysis issue when running on the localhost:5173?

I just recently installed Narrat with an empty template, rather than using the demo as I wanted to start from a clean slate. The second I tried to run it however I got this error (see the screenshot) and not sure how to fix it.

I have my code up in VS and I’m being told (via the control section in Google Chrome) there is 11 errors each in each of the .yaml script, in the screenshot it talks about the fonts.yaml specifically. So I’m unsure what I need to fix. I am not a programmer by anymeans, the most I’ve learned is some python to do some RPG based things in Ren’py. So all of this is new to me even as I feel like I have pretty good problem solving skills, I also don’t want to mess around too much to make it even worse.

This is the additional screenshot from Chrome.

So I removed all the ./ from the beginning of each of the .yaml files in the Index.ts And now only have two error messages.

A couple of potential issues:

  • After creating a new project in narrat, you have to go into the project directory and run the command npm install. Verify that was done.

  • Cloud services cause delays in accessing files that trigger file not found or other access errors when working automated processes and development tools. If you are using OneDrive for backing up or versioning, try using git instead, and backing up your project to OneDrive by copying it manually or with a script.

  • On Windows, there’s also the problem of maximum path length, where things get weird because a path + file name is past an old arbitrary Windows/DOS(?) limit and you start having issues with a file not found or file inaccessible.

I did do the npm install I will try out the path length thing. But it seems the issue now is tied to the index.ts now.