Game is stuck loading assets upon start

So my game is stuck upon launch. I was struggling to get an audio file to simply play at the press of the start button. Kept getting error codes (usually syntax errors) but I could usually fix them. I have next to nothing in programming experience so I’m getting to that “I’m lost” point. Any help will be appreciated.

If you’re having a technical issue or crash, include relevant details below. Otherwise feel free to delete:

  • :browser: : chrome
  • :computer: Windows
  • :grey_question: What steps did you already try to fix it, if any?
    → Fixed syntax (that I could find and recognize), restarted the localhost server, repositioned audio file in the directory
    :gear: Logs or screenshots of the issue:

can you check the developer console for errors and share them?
Developer console can be shown by right-clicking the page, going to Developer Tools, and selecting inspect.
One of the tabs in the resulting window or section will be labeled Console

Hi, I’m also brand-new to coding and I experienced something similar while learning the ropes the other day! Turns out it was caused by asking the game to load an asset without that asset being in the ocrrect location. I eventually solved it by moving the file in question to the appropriate folder. Might it be that you need to do the same, or that you’ve incorrectly specified the location of the audio file in question?

Yeah the dev console should have an error for the specific file it’s failing to load, either in the console or in the network tab