I wanted to add lore items to a game, and the way I’m currently doing it is by adding items and then using run to run a label with the content (story emails).
I could fit these into the item description, but there doesn’t appear to be a way to format or add a line break to the item descriptions. Is there a built-in way to do this?
As a workaround, I’m doing innerHTML = innerText, which seems horrible, but it works really well for now.
I don’t see anything in the plugin documentation that would allow me to change the item description template, because i suspect using v-html for that would also work (and probably much better). But I also don’t know vue even though I spent last week trying to understand it better.
The engine has a thing to process text and then renders with inner html, but I haven’t enabled that everywhere so it would need to be added to this specific bit of UI (unless it is already there)
So yeah it would need a small engine change for that
Also if you’re editing your engine in node modules you’re going to have a problem next time you run npm install as if will delete changes. If you want to change engine code you’d need to either change it in the actual engine, or make a fork of it and use your fork, but then that makes getting updates harder