I am trying to follow the examples found here: https://docs.narrat.dev/scripting/language-syntax.htm
But in every example where I try to call a variable I get an error TypeError: r is null
For example when I use this code:
set data.player.name "Alice"
set data.player.age 25
"The player's name is %{data.player.name} and they are %{data.player.age} years old"
Gives me this error:
Narrat script runtime error at game.narrat:4
TypeError: r is null
Script : “The player’s name is %{data.player.name} and they are %{data.player.age} years old”
Label: main
Copying this code
set data.player.inventory (new Array "Sword" "Shield" "Potion")
var array_contents (array_join $data.player.inventory)
"Your inventory contains %{array_contents}"
Gives me the same error as above except this line:
Script: “Your inventory contains %{array_contents}”
: Which browser?